Saturday, August 28, 2010

what is begging..??

Begging is the solicitation of money or food, especially in the street. There is a close relationship between begging and homelessness and homeless charity Crisis estimates that over 80 per cent of beggars are homeless. People who beg are among the most vulnerable in society, often trapped in poverty and deprivation, and it is regarded as a risky and demeaning activity.

Begging is visible on the streets of many British towns and most of the public report seeing someone begging in a public place at least once a week. Research carried out by the University of Glasgow found that begging was overwhelmingly driven by need rather than greed, although the apparently increasing prevalence of begging is coupled with an increasing perception that beggars, rather than being homeless and hungry, use the money they receive to support their addiction to drugs or alcohol. *suzana*....


raihan said...

This is the purpose of begging briefly. begging is associated with the idle life. most of the beggar did not have their own home. They are trapped in poverty and it is regarded as a Risky and demeaning activity.

raihan said...

Poverty and oppression is the sin of the world. Super rich people live streets away from the starving and don’t even see them. They don’t even care because they lack a conscience. Those beggers who use it to make decent money, are no different than business men who also operate to gain profits, so we should not look down on them for it. If we did to others as we would like to be done to us, then there would not be any poverty, because there is enough wealth in the world to go around. Greed, power and control blinds those who rule, and they only seek wealth for themselves.

raihan said...

yes, i'm aggree with the statement above. actually we must to think why this issue have not finished yet as good as possible.why are they like this?? we as a human must think the best solution and what our responsible to help them,we cannot depend on the government hundred percent. of course we sympahthy when we look them very bad.the parent actually must take care of their child and controled them.

raihan said...

for me, the children is innocent!!! maybe this is the only way for them to survive, so they beg to get the money.

raihan said...

hi friends!!!hope you all in good life.we have no more time to disscuss our fast right..this week dont forget about our test for summary on wednesday.good luck to all.